By now you might already know that DotActiv is well known for its leading all-in-one category management software. But what you probably didn't know is that all three editions (Lite, Pro and Enterprise) of our category management product is written in C++.
We do have products that are written in other languages, namely field marketing software and store communication software, but in this blog, we are going to focus on the advantages of C++.
We are also going to talk about how DotActiv is uniquely positioned to offer aspiring C++ developers exposure to the language and an opportunity to hit the ground running with C++ code.
What advantages do our customers get because our application is written in C++?
Customers get more performance. Here are the primary reasons for that:
- C++ is a compiled language, so machine code is generated at compile-time and executed directly. This reduces the amount of memory and processing time that is required to perform an operation.
- Because of its extensive code base, compilers for C and C++ have constantly been optimised for over 30 years. In fact, C is so established that some CPU manufacturers specifically optimise their hardware to make C and C++ programs run faster.
- Last but not least, C was designed to give developers direct control over CPU optimisation.
Many argue that C is the fastest language out there and C++ inherits this performance when used in the right way.
Native Windows Application
C++ itself can be compiled and executed on other platforms. However, the libraries and environment that we use allow us to compile and run DotActiv as a native windows application. The libraries, which can only be used with C++, are what makes our application look so native to the Windows platform.
This familiar user interface makes the customer feel more comfortable when using our category management software, especially so during the initial learning stages. Below is a screenshot of our user interface:

What are the disadvantages of writing an application in C++?
Developing in C++ can sometimes be experienced as more complicated than other object-oriented languages such as Java and C#. This is mainly due to its foundation being built upon C (a procedural language). This added complexity could be seen as a trade-off for the added power and direct control that the developer has over the application.
Since our core product is written in C++, does it make DotActiv a good place to get exposure as an aspiring C++ Developer?
Instead of me giving you an answer I went ahead and put this question forward to two C++ developers who are from our Dev team. Here's what they had to say:
"Yes, Positions for C++ developers can be difficult to find at times, especially at a junior level. Most positions require working experience in the language. Our environment is designed to allow a developer of all skill levels to instantly start delving into the code and adding their mark to the software" - Chris
"Yes, it does. At DotActiv, a developer is exposed to many different libraries and use cases that would not necessarily be seen elsewhere. The implementations of data structures and "cubes" provides a good environment to learn about different ways to store, access and reuse data." - Ryan
Our development team is based in Somerset West, Cape Town.