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PowerBase Updates For August 2023
Rina OosthuizenSep 1, 2023 3:15:00 PM4 min read

PowerBase Updates For August 2023: What's New And Updated

The final stretch of 2023 is continuing to speed by! Maintaining the same steady pace during August, the PowerBase team proudly presents three new and nine updated articles for you to read. 

Our vision for the DotActiv PowerBase is to increase knowledge and skills and bridge any gap for software clients and others interested in using our software. If you would like to read past articles on what we’ve added or updated on the DotActiv PowerBase, you can browse those PowerBase summaries. You ca also read why we introduced the DotActiv PowerBase.

New Articles On DotActiv PowerBase August 2023

New articles on the DotActiv PowerBase


How To Give Feedback On A DotActiv Custom Report

The Custom Report Feedback function allows you to provide positive or negative feedback on the layout of a specific custom report and a detailed explanation of the feedback given.

The upvote and downvote features allow for real-time inputs.

How To Set Up Space Performance Reports

A space performance report is a new reporting module that you can use to create configurations of period comparisons for departments, categories, and stores. 

The space performance report displays as drillable graphs where you can compare your chosen KPIs against each other.

How To Use Cluster Descriptions Within The DotActiv Software

With the latest software release, we have added the ‘Cluster Descriptions’ feature. This new feature allows you to view all category or cluster combinations and update your database with the descriptions of these categories. 

Learn how to add cluster descriptions to identify significant differences between clusters that might appear very similar in this new article.

Updated Articles On DotActiv PowerBase August 2023

Updated articles on the DotActiv PowerBase


How To Use The Custom Report Approval Feature

We created the Custom Report Approval feature to simplify getting approval on custom reports. The feature enables you to send files through the software to the user to get approval/sign-off from an internal or external user.

To use this function, you must set up the necessary user permissions. We added a section in this article to explain the different user permissions to approve or send back Custom Reports with feedback.

How To Use The Floor Plan Analysis Grid And Optimizer

This article helps to guide you to use our Floor Plan Analysis Grid and Floor Optimizer.

We added descriptions for each KPI to help you understand the results in the Analysis Grid. Additionally, as part of the prerequisites to set up and run the Analysis Grid, it is critical to add the number of drops (NODs) to Cluster Maintenance for the report to populate accurately.

How To Classify Data In The DotActiv Software

This article helps guide you to open and select a desired data set, make changes, and update the changes to the database. After reading the article, you will also be able to reclassify data.

To improve the searchability, we added “Incorrectly Classified” and “Reclassify” as tags. We made the same update to another article if you want to change a product's category.

What Are The Limitations Of DotActiv Free?

This article explains the limitations of DotActiv Free. It also covers the functions, resources, and support included in this license edition of the DotActiv software.

As DotActiv Free has some simple limitations, we added a note on how you can upgrade to one of our paid versions of the software. We also included information about our 14-day free trials, should you want to try one.

My Product Library Is Not Working

This article explains why the product library in DotActiv software isn’t working and offers a solution.

To make it easier to find this article on the DotActiv PowerBase, we added “Troubleshooting” and “Troubleshoot Product Library” as tags.

Calculated Formula Fields In The DotActiv Software

This article explains the commonly formulated fields used in the DotActiv software and how we calculate them.

We added all the new formulas and updated their descriptions.

How To Manage And Maintain SQL Data Views

This article provides a step-by-step process for setting up, managing, and maintaining a SQL data view. After setting up your SQL view, you can find, edit, and remove products in the DotActiv SQL database.

With the new software release, you can filter on and identify any blank data fields within SQL.

Adding And Customising Text And Tables On DotActiv Report Templates

Adding text and tables to a DotActiv Custom Report is simple and convenient.

You can also customize the text in the table headers by making it bold. This customizable applies to the header text - in each column and row.

How To Create A New Range Plan In Range Optimizer

This article helps you set up and run a new range plan within the Range Optimizer tool of the DotActiv software.

You can also include a field that indicates any cross-merchandised products in Range Optimizer.

Articles With Missing Images

The team is working tirelessly to update all the articles that are currently missing images and software GIFs. Please continue to comment on any PowerBase articles that are missing images.


The DotActiv PowerBase answers specific questions about making the most of DotActiv’s products and services. 

If you find an article that doesn’t answer a question to your satisfaction, please leave a comment. It’s entirely anonymous and will help us to help you get the answers you deserve.

Are you currently not a DotActiv client but want to learn more about how DotActiv software can help your business increase sales while pleasing your customers? You can book a meeting with a DotActiv expert or browse our various software and service options on our online store.


Rina Oosthuizen

Rina Oosthuizen joined in 2018 and is the Training Manager. She has a Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from the NWU Business School.