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PowerBase Updates For January 2024
Rina OosthuizenFeb 1, 2024 11:00:00 AM3 min read

PowerBase Updates For January 2024: What’s Updated

Welcome to our combined December and January monthly PowerBase summary! As we kick off 2024, we are excited to bring you a comprehensive overview of all the latest updates, articles, and materials from the past two months. Since our last edition, we updated five articles.

Our vision for the DotActiv PowerBase is to increase knowledge and skills and bridge any gap for software clients and others interested in using our software. If you’d like to read past articles on what we added or updated on the DotActiv PowerBase, you can browse those PowerBase summaries. You can also read why we introduced the DotActiv PowerBase.

Updated Articles On PowerBase In January 2024

Updated articles on the DotActiv PowerBase


Adding And Customising Text And Tables On DotActiv Report Templates

This article offers a step-by-step process to add text and tables to a report template while working with the DotActiv software. We also explain how to customize the text and tables you’ve added to your report template.

As part of the text customization, you can link data fields to a text box, allowing a data source to pull specific information. For instance, you can now link Cluster Plan information such as the Cluster Name or Cluster Description.

How To Add A Cluster Plan To A Custom Report

This article offers a step-by-step process to add a cluster plan to a custom report while working with the DotActiv software.

Part of working with a Cluster Plan as the data source in a Custom Report means you can link a Linkage Distance Metric report. The latest software development means you can view the report in a nested grid format. It also helps you to compare clusters accurately, allowing for a user-friendly report.

How Do I Manage My DotActiv Subscriptions Through FastSpring?

The purpose of this article is to explain how you can manage your DotActiv subscriptions. We also clarify how you can cancel your subscription.

To improve the searchability of this article on the DotActiv PowerBase, we have included the following tag: Cancel Membership.

How To Configure Your Region Settings (Windows)

This article explains how to configure your region settings on your Windows PC to set up your laptop to work on the DotActiv software.

Your region settings influence how your date/time, numeric, and currency data types appear when you apply formatting options. We’ve added the tags Date Format, Long Date, and Short Date to the article to simplify the search for this information.

How To Effectively Present A Custom Report

This article offers a step-by-step process to help toggle between full-screen and normal mode when presenting a report built in DotActiv software. We have also explained a few user-friendly shortcuts.

When presenting a Custom Report in the full-screen mode, you can use the shortcuts to scroll between pages and toggle the full-screen mode.

Articles With Missing Images

The team is working tirelessly to update all the articles that are currently missing images and software GIFs. Please continue to comment on any PowerBase articles that need images added.


The DotActiv PowerBase answers specific questions about making the most of DotActiv’s products and services. 

If you find an article that doesn’t answer a question to your satisfaction, please leave a comment. It’s entirely anonymous and will help us to help you get the answers you deserve.

Are you currently not a DotActiv client but want to learn more about how DotActiv software can help your business increase sales while pleasing your customers? You can book a meeting with a DotActiv expert or browse our various software and service options on our online store.




Rina Oosthuizen

Rina Oosthuizen joined in 2018 and is the Training Manager. She has a Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from the NWU Business School.