Welcome to DotActiv PowerBase's November edition: Blooms of knowledge and festive cheer! This month's summary is a celebration of growth, renewal, and the anticipation of the festive season. Our training hub at DotActiv is in full bloom with fresh updates to our training articles. The team proudly presents seven updated articles for you to read.
Our vision for the DotActiv PowerBase is to increase knowledge and skills and bridge any gap for software clients and others interested in using our software. If you’d like to read past articles on what we added or updated on the DotActiv PowerBase, you can browse those PowerBase summaries. You can also read why we introduced the DotActiv PowerBase.
Updated articles on the DotActiv PowerBase
How To Create A New Range Plan In Range Optimizer
This article aims to help guide you on how to set up and run a new range plan within the range optimizer of the DotActiv software.
As part of setting up a new range plan, you would need to add a range cap to the software for the range to fit within the available space. A range cap is the maximum number of products that would realistically fit within the gondola space.
We added guidelines on how to forecast a range cap for a category.
How To Make Use Of Cluster Details Within The DotActiv Software
This article unpacks how to view all category or cluster combinations and update your database with the information.
That is where the Cluster Detail feature within the DotActiv software plays a role. The cluster details allow you to include specific information regarding the cluster on the software, such as the cluster description, the role, and the relevant strategies.
You can use the cluster details in the DotActiv software to get an overview of the differences between clusters on Cluster Maintenance.
How To Add A Graph To A Report Template
This article offers a step-by-step process to add a graph to a report template while working within the DotActiv software.
While working with a graph in a reporting template, you can toggle the graph legend. The legend allows you to identify the respective data sets linked to the graph. You can also change the position of the legend.
Getting Started With DotActiv Viewer
This article provides a guide to starting with DotActiv Viewer after downloading the software.
To simplify the experience, we added links to the landing page and the form you can fill in to request access.
Experience DotActiv Viewer today.
Adding And Customising Text And Tables On DotActiv Report Templates
This article offers a step-by-step process to add text and tables to a report template while working within the DotActiv software. We also explain how to customize the text and tables added to your report template.
You can also use placeholder text, which links to the software and automatically populates with the relevant data.
For example, if you set the placeholder text on Internal Approver, you can see the details of the person assigned as the internal approver.
What Shelf Options Do You Have When Building A Planogram?
This article unpacks the available shelf options when working on a gondola or planogram in the DotActiv software.
When building a planogram, the spacing between the shelves is fundamental. To create the optimal spacing, you can now use the Fixture Spacing function for seamless spacing throughout your gondola.
Dive into the different spacing options and improve your space planning experience.
How To Set Up, Update And Maintain Clusters
This article will help you to set up, update, and maintain your store or category-based clusters using the Cluster Maintenance feature in the DotActiv software.
You can now map an existing range to a new cluster to improve the process of creating new clusters and their relevant product assortments.
This state-of-the-art software feature will decrease the administration associated with creating new clusters or updating and maintaining existing clusters.
Articles With Missing Images
The team is working tirelessly to update all the articles that are currently missing images and software GIFs. Please continue to comment on any PowerBase articles that need images added.
The DotActiv PowerBase answers specific questions about making the most of DotActiv’s products and services.
If you find an article that doesn’t answer a question to your satisfaction, please leave a comment. It’s entirely anonymous and will help us to help you get the answers you deserve.
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