Yay we have survived the week! After a productive and long week of hard work and effort, we all looking forward to the F-word. That’s Friday of course or as the DotActiv family likes to say, Fri-Yay!
That doesn't mean that we aren't productive on Fridays. Instead, it means we look forward to resting, catching up with family and friends, and planning how we'll unwind, so we're ready to start the following week fresh.
So what does a typical Friday look like at DotActiv? Let’s take a look.
Our Friday company meetings, Huddle
If you interact with anyone at DotActiv, you'll likely have heard about 'Huddle'. And you might wonder what it is.
Huddle is our version of a weekly company meeting held each Friday morning. Sometimes it's informal. Sometimes it's a little more dressed up. Either way, it's a time for us to connect with our colleagues and find out how everyone is.
We discuss many topics, including:
Celebrating company and colleague milestones and birthdays;
Highlighting customer success stories;
Welcoming new colleagues;
Sharing challenges or changes; and
Demonstrating any latest software updates.
However, there are also many good reasons why we insist on our weekly Huddle.
It cultivates a sense of belonging amongst all of our colleagues (remote or on-site);
It encourages employee engagement;
It builds stronger relationships across teams and departments;
It creates a safe space for our colleagues to bounce ideas off of each other;
It helps to set a positive tone for the rest of the day and motivates us to end our week stronger;
It improves long-term problem-solving skills;
It provides a sense of security for everyone because we are transparent and clear;
It creates a culture of accountability;
It guides our colleagues towards company goals;
It breaks down the communication barriers;
It leads to innovation and new ideas; and
It develops team unity and trust.
Leaving an hour earlier
Do you like to have your cake and eat it too? Well, I think you know where I am going with the next one. Why not have the best of both worlds at the same time? We understand the importance of much-needed rest and actively pursue that.
On Fridays, we leave an hour earlier to kick start our weekend and end the week strong. How about that?
Now, you might be wondering why? But did you know that having the benefit and flexibility to leave an hour earlier on a Friday is one of the most requested benefits among employees?
Sodexo Engage surveyed 2000 people in the UK, asking them what they wanted the most from their employees. A staggering 87.6% said their most desirable perk was to finish early on a Friday.
The 40-hour workweek has been synonymous with full-time employment for decades. However, times are changing, especially with work burnout at an all-time high.
Instead of a narrow focus on productivity at the expense of employee satisfaction, employers are (or should be) trying to strike a work-life balance. Not only does this boost productivity, but it also boosts employee satisfaction and overall happiness.
What are a few benefits of leaving an hour earlier from work on a Friday afternoon?
Studies show that it helps boost morale and increase future productivity;
The flexibility allows you to meet personal and family obligations more conveniently while avoiding burnout. You can go home to be there for an emergency household repair or to the dentist without eating into your paid leave – meaning there will be more time to recharge your batteries;
Greater loyalty;
Reduced absenteeism and an agile and adaptable workforce; and
A healthy company culture that prioritises diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
It's Friday ... finish strong
It’s Friday morning. The weekend is just on the other side of that last email, meeting, or phone call later today. Instead of coasting through the day and putting in just enough to get you through to the weekend, why not end your week on a high to prepare you for Monday?
As the saying goes “the early bird catches the worm”. Just think about your competition or the person that inspires you the most. How would they go about their day? You could stay ahead of your competition if you finish strong, rather than slowing down just because it’s Friday.
Adopting the latter approach to Friday is a no-brainer if you look at it closely. It gives you a sense of accomplishment and motivates your peers and colleagues to do the same. It will also confirm that you have delivered your best effort possible.
Here is a guide or a few tips to finish off strong on a Friday:
Wake up fresh and start working on time (schedule your day accordingly);
Go through your to-do list and ensure that all tasks are complete or deadlines met;
Plan for Monday;
Clean up your email;
Check in with your colleagues and managers to see if there is something you can assist with;
Put away all elements of distraction; and
Take short breaks in between your work.
As the saying goes, time flies when you are having fun and staying busy. And guess what? Before you know it, it's time to leave and enjoy your weekend.
We celebrate every win to keep our colleagues satisfied and motivated and promote a better work-life balance. That includes celebrating the hard work completed by everyone. We should also note that we strive to get things right the first time, every time and on time, and poor performance goes against our core values at DotActiv.
Are you interested in joining DotActiv and providing category management solutions to the global retail market? We’d love to hear from you. You can read up about DotActiv, what we stand for and how we operate here or browse through our open positions here.