Many businesses are incorporating a Task Management system into their everyday work. This is because businesses are finding it difficult to manage workloads and set realistic deadlines. Businesses also struggle to understand which tasks to prioritize - some tasks may be more urgent than others. Implementing a robust Task Management system will help to improve productivity, distinguish between the urgency of tasks and manage the workload of your team.
DotActiv’s Team Management software for retail, Activ8, comes with a Task Management system that helps to manage the day to day tasks of your team. The following blog will discuss the need for Task Management, DotActiv’s Task Management software and the benefits of implementing this system in your business.
The need for a Task Management System
Task management is the concept of identifying and monitoring the progress of various tasks. In the identification phase, it’s necessary to understand what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by. In the monitoring phase, it’s necessary to track the progress of tasks and how close they are to completion.
Implementing a Task Management system provides a number of benefits to businesses. Firstly, it’s easier to monitor progress and identify issues or bottlenecks. Employees will have access to a dashboard with a summary of the tasks that need to be completed as well as the tasks that have been allocated to colleagues.
Secondly, it becomes clearer as to which tasks should take priority over others. Your team will know exactly which tasks need to be completed first. This improves productivity as no time is wasted on less important tasks.
Finally, deadlines and timelines are easily pinned to tasks. When a task is created using a Task Management system, a deadline needs to be set. This creates clear expectations for employees.
In terms of finding the right Task Management system for your business, Activ8 has you covered.
DotActiv’s Task Management Software
Activ8 comes standard with a Task Management system which can be used to manage workloads, improve productivity and enhance accountability. You can read more about how DotActiv’s Task Management software boosts team accountability.
DotAcitv’s Task Management software is easy to use and allows your team to keep track of all of their tasks. When you open the Tasks section in Activ8, you will see a dashboard of all the tasks that are currently in progress as seen below.
There is a clear indication of the owner of the task, who the task has been assigned to, the urgency of the task, the task deadline, the estimated hours of completion and the task status.
If you’re a manager of a team of 10 people, imagine trying to keep track of this information for each team member without having a proper Task Management system in place? It could cause major problems including deadlines not being met, employees not having sufficient capacity to complete the tasks allocated to them and time wasted on tasks that aren’t urgent.
Managing tasks in Activ8 is done by selecting a specific task and updating the required fields. For example, your team will need to update the task status and time taken as seen in the GIF below.
The benefits of implementing DotActiv’s Task Management Software
DotActiv’s Task Management Software can help your business in a number of ways. Not only will it improve productivity and accountability, but it also improves flexibility. DotActiv’s robust Task Management system allows you to create and customize your own workflow to suit your business needs. In other words, you have complete control over the task name, deadline, assignee, comments, resources and level of urgency.
Clear Communication
DotAcitv’s Task Management software can improve communication. Recent surveys have suggested that poor communication is the biggest hurdle in project management. Implementing a Task Management system allows you to stay constantly connected with your team members. A two-way communication channel is established which encourages your team to share their progress and any problems they run into. Moreover, a record of tasks is kept in task history.
Team Collaboration
DotActiv’s Task Management software also improves team collaboration. When input and collaboration is needed from other team members on a specific task, a checklist item can be created which informs different team members of their specific role on a task. This ensures that all team members are moving in the right direction and towards a common goal.
DotActiv’s Task Management Software improves efficiency by allowing you to create checklist tasks, recurring tasks, and scheduled tasks. Having the ability to set recurring and scheduled tasks is important because it saves you time. If you know someone in your team will be responsible for completing a specific task every week, you can set this as a recurring or scheduled task.
Furthermore, DotActiv’s software can also allow you to save a checklist template. For example, if you’re creating a checklist item for writing a blog piece and the same tasks will always need to be completed, you can save this checklist task as a template for ease of use when required.
Want to learn more? You can read more about the key features of effective task management software.
Activ8 is a team management software for retail and it’s a powerful enabler for driving company culture.
If you’re interested in a task management software that improves flexibility, communication, team collaboration and efficiency, Activ8 is for you. Learn more about Activ8 and book a meeting with a DotActiv expert to let us run you through all of it's capabilities.